Partial Dentures For Back Teeth: Your Choice For Missing Teeth

While missing your back teeth is not as dreadful as missing your front teeth, taking it for granted can lead to several oral health concerns. Even if no one could ever notice that you are missing your teeth, there are still important reasons why it is necessary to have removable partial dentures for back teeth.

Your dental provider will determine the actual cost of removable partial dentures. However, depending on your condition, the average dentures cost ranges from $699 to $1000. It is relatively less expensive than other tooth replacement options. Dental 266’s Burwood clinic offers affordable tooth replacement options, contact them today to get a quote.


How Missing Teeth Affect Oral Health

When a person gets broken and missing teeth, it is safe to say that its aesthetic appeal is the primary concern. Indeed, having gaps in your smile can make anyone feel more self-conscious, primarily when the spaces are present in your front teeth. For many, losing a tooth at the back of the mouth is not a big deal. However, what they are not aware of is the adverse effects brought by not replacing them.

Choosing to live without replacing your back teeth would bring a significant concern to your oral health. Aside from losing the strength of your jawbones, a missing back tooth would encourage a shift to its neighbouring teeth. When that happens, your bone tissue will lose its volume and change the shape of your face. Additionally, the movement of your remaining teeth can cause a super eruption and cause your bite to throw off. In time, your teeth will wear down and eventually result in more missing teeth.


Why Choose Partial Dentures?

Perhaps one of the easiest and most cost-effective solutions to replace your missing teeth is by using a removable partial denture. This dental appliance contains dental crowns attached to a base that matches your natural gum tissue.

Aside from providing a completely natural-looking smile, a removable partial denture serves well. It restores the function of your missing teeth and prevents other problems that may come along.


What Are the Types of Removable Partial Dentures?

With the help of a trusted local dental practice, you can decide if a removable partial denture is a suitable solution for your missing back teeth. There are also different options that you can choose from, including the following:


  • Metallic

The metallic partial denture is the most common among other types. It consists of a rigid metal frame and contains metal clasps on each end.


  • Acrylic

Also known as flippers, this type of removable partial denture contains false teeth attached to a gum-coloured acrylic base. It includes a flipper that sticks to its neighbouring teeth. It is also a popular tooth replacement option because of its budget-friendly price.


  • Flexible

If you are more into comfortability, then a flexible partial denture is your perfect choice. The artificial teeth with snug clasps fit well for every dental structure. However, this type of partial dentures requires more special materials making it more expensive than the rest.


Removable Partial Dentures vs. Dental Implants

missing teeth removable partial denturesMany people often get confused about whether to choose dental implants or partial dentures for back teeth replacement. While most people choose dental implants because of their long-term use, many consider removable partial dentures because of their affordability.

Before you make your choice, it is crucial to consider the pros and cons of each procedure. Dental implants involve surgical techniques to replace missing teeth. So, if you’re looking for a tooth replacement option that will not require invasive treatment, you should opt for partial dentures. On the other hand, dental implants are popular to last longer than most tooth replacement options.

In essence, both tooth replacement options provide viable results. Therefore, it all depends on what you think would work best for your needs. If you want a more in-depth analysis of the procedures to replace missing teeth, you can talk to your dentist for professional advice.

Nonetheless, whichever method you decide to pursue, what matters is to replace your missing teeth to avoid further complications. For more information, please do not hesitate to browse through our website.